Expat & Transitions
Working with globally mobile individuals going through career change, whether international or not, as many of the themes, challenges and solutions that impact expats are similar to those of non-expats going through career transitions. Many of the career change issues are linked to leading a globally mobile life.
Expat Coaching can be of help if:
- You are living and working in a foreign country or are about to.
- You are working within a multinational company.
- Your leaderships style doesn’t match your new host country.
- Your family has followed you to the new country.
- Your family has difficulties in adapting to the new life conditions.
As an expat not only are you faced with new challenges in terms of cultural integration, role assumption, new responsibilities, but you must also deal with multicultural teams, dual career problems and family care.
Surveys show that these are the primary reasons for refusing a foreign assignment, and the main reason why expatriation fails.
To help you successfully overcome these challenges we offer customized support to all your expat career needs.
- Do you get up every day with the intention of working on the important things in your life but somehow you get sidetracked by busy-ness?
- Do you know deep down that transitions and changes are opportunities waiting for you yet you don’t know how to fully harvest them?
- Do you get sometimes the feeling that everything is more important but your goals?
- Do you want to turn what you know into action?
- Do you feel stuck in your current job, know that there is something different out there for you, but don’t know what or how to get there?
- Do you want to use relocation as an opportunity to reinvent yourself professionally, but don’t know where to start?
If you are asking yourself one or more of the above questions, you probably are at a transition point in your life. A point, where you have left or about to leave the familiarity of a job, career or even a country, yet you haven’t arrived at the “other side”. Coaching in these situation can support you in finding clarity and solutions to support you in your journey forward.